In our Dinkum fishing guide we’ll go over how the fishing mechanics work in Dinkum, some tips and tricks to help get you started and a guide to what types of fish there are in the game.
To start fishing in Dinkum, you’ll need to get a fishing rod from John’s shop. This can be purchased regardless of whether he’s at the tent or you’ve moved him into a permanent building. Then, head on out to your nearest body of water, either ocean or freshwater inland. Make sure you can see fish before you start fishing, so choose a good spot that has several of them swimming around. As with critter catching, make sure you clear the area of any predators before you start, as you wouldn’t want your relaxing fishing session interrupted by an emu attack.
Aim the fishing rod in the direction of the fish you’d like to catch and try and get the bobber as close as possible. Fish aren’t attracted to the fishing rod and tend not to come to you, so you’ll have to get the bobber to them. The distance that you cast the fishing rod depends on how long you hold for, and while there is no meter on screen that shows how far it will go, you’ll get a good sense of it after repeating the process a few times.
Now, you’ve found a spot, cast the fishing rod and gotten the bobber close to a fish. When a fish actually takes the bait and nibbles on the line, there are two different types of nibbles. There’s a light, quick nibble that you won’t be able catch, and a more dramatic nibble where the bobber will disappear underwater. Once it disappears, you’ll want to press to reel in the fish.
When a fish is thrashing around on the end of the line, let it thrash. If you try and reel them in while they’re fighting, you’ll break the line and lose the fish. Once it stops fighting, resume reeling it in. You may have to repeat this process a few times to properly tire the fish out and finally pull it out of the water.
Here's a list of Dinkum Fish. There are a total of 33 different types of fish to be caught.
There are a couple of options for things that you can do with fish in Dinkum. Shockingly, one of those is not cooking, as there are currently no recipes that can use fish. However, once John sets up a permanent shop and visitors to the island start rotating in, Theodore accepts donations for his museum and will take Fish as well as Bugs and Critters.
Fish can also be sold to John for various prices at his shop, whether he’s in the tent or a permanent building. Additionally, it’s good to keep a few fish handy as they can be used in requests from other characters.
That's it for our Dinkum Fishing guide. Check out more guides below:
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